

服务 外汇 软件 金融 点差 投资 招商

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GPP gaopeng exchange au facing the whole country merchants sincerely!
GPP gaopeng currency
 (1) By the regulation of New Zealand, the world expo 2015 milan global strategic partner
(2)中国区首家资金担保平台,AA级监管银行(DBS和Investec Bank)
 (2) China's first funds guarantee platform, AA regulatory Bank (DBS and Investec Bank)
 (3) The MT4 trading software, STP direct entry mode, NDD traders mode
 (4) High commission (unwind the return), high credibility
 (5) Stable platform, the international outside dish, not chuck, no slippage
 (6) Foreign exchange, gold, silver, crude oil is rich in the variety is complete
★ 诚招中国区各地代理商洽谈:www.gppzs.com
   Across China, agents negotiate: www.gppzs.com
招商中国 QQ:3131875283  微信:GPPservicer  电话:18502283243
Merchants China QQ: 3131875283 WeChat: GPPservicer telephone: 18502283243

Company profile

GPP高朋金融,全新推出IMFCH模式即多边金融清算中心模式,并且成立高朋国际多边金融清算中心简称GPP IMFCH,是一家金融产品服务专业供应机构,历经国际金融市场的波澜起伏,其坚固的经济实力和海量的信息资源,向来自100多个国家的20多万客户的选择
GPP高朋金融接受新西兰FSP(Financial Service Providers,金融服务提供商)的监管,其注册码为FSP479826,而且由全球顶级银行进行资金监管,为全球投资者带来用心、安全、智能、本土的金融产品,这也让GPP成为2015米兰世博会全球战略合作伙伴。 
GPP gaopeng financial, a new launch IMFCH models that multilateral financial settlement center, and the establishment of gaopeng hereinafter referred to as GPP IMFCH international multilateral financial settlement center, is a professional supply institutions, financial products and services through ups and downs of the international financial market, its strong economic strength and huge amounts of information resources, from more than 100 countries more than 20 customers choice
GPP has a professional team, an analyst with industry, the superb technical support and the perfect customer service system, all staff access to the national team and industry professional qualifications. With the analyst team, cutting-edge technology in foreign exchange, laid the GPP currency brokerage company in the industry leading position.
GPP gaopeng Financial accept New Zealand FSP (Financial Service will, Financial Service Providers) regulation, the registration code for FSP479826, and conducted by the world's top bank capital regulation, bring investors around the world with your heart, security, intelligence, local Financial products, it also makes GPP expo 2015 milan global strategic partner.

The foreign exchange market

Trades at $5 trillion, global foreign exchange market is the larger financial markets in the world, and one of the current mainstream emerging markets of China, early into the early.
GPP forex trading varieties, covering major global currencies: the dollar (USD), euro (EUR), the pound (GBP), yen (JPY), the Australian dollar (AUD), new yuan (NZD), such as Hong Kong dollars (HKD) between exchange rate movements, contains the profitable trading opportunities.

The agent condition
1 有较为充足的资金和客户资源。 
2 有一定的外汇交易经验,在选择外汇平台时是一级代理商所需要关注的问题,并非任何外汇平台都值得代理,也并非返佣越高越值得代理。首先要看下平台的实力以及监管性。其次,要看是否有完善的交易品种,比如美元指数、黄金、白银、原油、欧元等外汇品种。再次,看平台的点差是否适中,返佣是否合理。     
1 There are sufficient funds, and customer resources.
2 Have certain experience in foreign exchange, when choosing foreign exchange platform is level agents need to pay attention to the problem, any foreign exchange platforms are not worth agent, is not the commission, the higher the more worthy of agent. The first thing to look at the strength of the platform and regulation. Second, to see if there is a perfect trading varieties, such as the dollar index, gold, silver, crude oil, such as the euro currency. once again, see platform point difference is moderate, commission is reasonable.

GPP value-added service support  

1  Training, and become the GPP agents, have the opportunity to get ministry of precious metals for free online trading division OPMT training places, even may obtain miit sponsored by the GPP online financial training qualifications, become the ministry of education and examination center training base.
2  Offline promotion support: according to business requirements, GPP agent can assist the agent in local promotional activities, including trade, investment salon class lectures, OPP meeting such as diagnosis, regular account.
3  Professional trading technology guidance: the scene as GPP agent, can obtain additional transaction support technical guidance.
4  EA system support: the scene as GPP agents, have the opportunity to obtain the right to use the EA intelligent trading system with an edge.
招商中国 QQ:3131875283  微信:GPPservicer  电话:18502283243
Contact: Mr. Song
Merchants China QQ: 3131875283 WeChat: GPPservicer telephone: 18502283243
公司名称: 高朋经济信息咨询有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (服务商,其他机构)
所 在 地: 上海 公司规模: 500-999人
注册资本: 10000万人民币 注册年份: 2008
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 服务商,其他机构
经营范围: 服务 外汇 软件 金融 点差 投资 招商
销售的产品: 服务 外汇 软件 金融 点差 投资 招商