Allectra Sub-D连接头概要,本站Allectra产品型号齐全,价格优惠,如本页面您未找到需要的产品,请直接联系我们15301310116(微信同号)
Useable connectors: On the air side, all standard connectors can be used. The only limitation we know are exotic housing designs.
On the vacuum side, the use of High Vacuum or Ultra High Vacuum connectors supplied from Allectra is assumed.
High Density connectors with 15*), 26, 44 and 68*) pins have a different pin layout on air and vacuum side.
So here the air side connectors cannot be used on the vacuum side.
以上就是北京麦迪森科技有限公司提供的allectra Sub-D连接头概要。