SENCORE LC103电容和电感分析仪
LC103 Condensed Specifications
IN-CIRCUIT TESTS (Capacitors and Inductors):
- Dynamic in-circuit tests to determine whether the component is good or bad.
Component Types: Electrolytic, double layer lytic, tantalum, ceramic, and other capacitors.
Yokes, flybacks, switching transformers, and coils.
Inductor Range: 3.18 uH to 3.18 H
Capacitor Range: 0.002 uF to 20,000 uF
Accuracy: Same as Out-of-Circuit tests for known good inductors and capacitors with no parallel current paths.
Suggest Removal Indication: Initiated when AC test differs from DC test by more than 20%, or if low level DCR test indicates a leakage path greater than 20% of charge current for capacitors.
CAPACITORS (Out-of-Circuit):
Value: Dynamic test of capacity value is determined by applying a constant current to the capacitor and measuring the dV/dt.
Range: 1 pF to 20 F
Accuracy: ±1%, ±1 pF, ±1 digit for values to 1990 uF, ±5%; 0.1% of range full scale for values 2000 uF to 20 F
NI (美国国家仪器)、Tektronix泰克、HP/Agilent/Keysight(惠普/安捷伦/是德)、Keithley(吉时利)、KIKUSUI(菊水)、Panasonic(松下)、MINOLTA(美能达)、Anritsu(安立)、 ADVANTEST(爱德万)、FLUK(福禄克)、MARCONI(马克尼)、R/S(罗德&施瓦茨)、Chroma(致茂/可罗马) 、Prodigit(博计) 、Extech(华仪)、JDSU(捷迪讯)、Ando(安腾)、Aeroflex(艾法斯)、ITECH(艾德克斯)、STANFORD(斯坦福)、Lambda(电盛兰达)、YOKOGAWA(横河)、EMCSOSIN(索莘)、RIGOL(普源)、IQ(莱特波特)、Lecroy(力科)、SUNLILAB(阳光)、Prima(普锐马)、TOPCON(拓普)、SPIRENT(思博伦)、3ctest(泰斯特)、CYBERTEK(知用)、SHIBASOKU(芝测)、HAMEG(惠美)、TEXIO(德士)、EXFO(爱斯福)、GWINSTEK (固纬)