1. 数 据 传 输:支持RS232、RS485、USB通讯,32位消费机,TCP/IP通讯,433无线通讯,GPRS无线通讯
2. 已存记录查询:具备脱机按键查询消费总额,消费累计次数,最后一餐的消费时间;
3. 刷卡记录查询:具备脱机按键查询设备上所有消费过的卡号及其消费餐次,消费金额,卡内余额;
4. 记 录 保 存:采用固化芯片储存方式储存,断电不会丢失数据;
5. 余 额 查 询:显示姓名,卡号,卡类型,余额,累计消费金额及次数;
6. 消 费 模 式:普通消费,定额消费,快捷键方式消费,每餐计次消费,菜单消费,折扣消费
7. 消 费 时 段:早餐时段,中餐时段,晚餐时段,夜宵时段,支持跨天(跨零点)消费;
8. 遏制恶意消费:当日最大消费金额限制,当日最大消费次数限制,超额密码消费限制;
9. 卡 有 效 期:具备卡过期检验功能,此功能打开时,设备会检验消费卡有效使用期限,关闭时,设备将无需检验消费卡的使用期限;
10. 卡 类 型:可设定8种类型的消费卡,可根据不同卡类型设置不同的限额限次,可针对设备设置允许消费的类卡;
11. 个 性 设 置:可自己设定开机文字显示, 待机LOGO画面显示(128*32黑白像素图片),售后服务热线显示(128*64黑白像素图片);
12. 可设背光时长:设备待机时液晶显示的背光时间长短可以设定,具体参数:20秒、50秒、80秒、200秒、就餐时间长亮、长亮;
13. 刷卡响声设置:等待刷卡消费(打款)时响声可调为连续或者不连续 ;
Main functions:
1. Support four modes of fixed consumption, self-free fee, meal ordering and meal recording; (the latter two are separate)
2. Support corporate subsidy and personal cash wallet;
3. Subsidy wallet supports two modes of covering the balance of last month or accumulating the balance of last month;
4. Support the function of software ordering and hardware ordering;
5. Set the dining time and refuse to consume in non-dining time;
6. Different meal price Settings, such as: 1 yuan for breakfast, 5 yuan for lunch, 6 yuan for dinner and 2 yuan for night snack
7. Can limit the maximum consumption amount for one meal (or one day), and refuse to spend more;
8. Different types of CARDS can be set to set different amounts for the same meal.
Product features:
1. Data transmission: support RS232, RS485, USB communication, 32-bit consumer computers, TCP/IP communication, 433 wireless communication, and GPRS wireless communication
2. Stored record query: it has offline buttons to query the total amount of consumption, the cumulative number of consumption, and the consumption time of the last meal;
3. Card swiping record query: it has offline keys to check all the card Numbers and meal times, consumption amount and balance of the card that have been consumed on the device;
4. Recording and storage: the storage mode of solidified chip is adopted, and data will not be lost when power is cut off.
5. Check the balance: show the name, card number, card type, balance, accumulated consumption amount and times;
6. Consumption model: ordinary consumption, fixed consumption, quick key consumption, per meal consumption, menu consumption, discount consumption
7. Consumption period: breakfast time, lunch time, dinner time and night snack time, supporting cross-day (cross-zero) consumption;
8. Curb malicious consumption: maximum daily consumption amount, maximum daily consumption times and excessive password consumption;
9. Validity period of the card: it has the function of expired inspection of the card. When this function is on, the device will check the validity period of the card.
10. Card type: 8 types of consumption CARDS can be set, different limit limits can be set according to different card types, and the class CARDS that allow consumption can be set according to the equipment;
11. Personal Settings: you can set the display of boot text by yourself, the standby LOGO screen (128*32 black and white pixel picture), and the after-sales service hotline (128*64 black and white pixel picture).
12. Backlight duration can be set: the backlight time of the liquid crystal display can be set when the device is standby. Specific parameters: 20 seconds, 50 seconds, 80 seconds, 200 seconds, long and bright dining time;
13. Setting of card swiping sound: when waiting for card swiping consumption (payment), the sound can be adjusted to continuous or discontinuous;