2019厂家直销 咪咪沙拉薯条生产线 膨化机
该设备以面粉为主要原料,采用螺杆挤压成型技术辅以形状各异的挤出模具挤压成型,再经油炸、调味制成“沙拉”、“香蕉片”、 “比萨卷”、“贝壳酥”、“猫耳酥”、“田螺”等多种形状及口味的油炸面食食品,产品造型逼真、组织细腻、口感酥脆。挤出成型的产品可以直接油炸,无需烘干,生产工艺简单,设备投资小,是中小型企业的理想选择。

技术参数 / Device parameters |
主机型号/Host Model |
DL56-III |
DL70-II |
DL85-II |
电源电压/Power and voltage |
380V |
380V |
380V |
装机功率/Installed Capacity |
83KW |
108KW |
140KW |
实耗功率/Power Consumption |
57KW |
77KW |
95KW |
生产能力/Production capacity |
120-150Kg/h |
180-220Kg/h |
300-500Kg/h |
生产线长/Production line length |
17m |
18m |
20m |
包装/Package |
通用为普通包装,根据客户地区不同用普通或木箱包装。 Universal for general packaging, depending on the location of the customers with an ordinary wooden box packaging. |
生产周期/Production period |
30-35天/30-35 days. |
港口/Port |
青岛港/Qingdao Port. |
付款方式 Terms of payment |
首付30%定金,生产完成后验货,验货后付清余下款项后发货。 30% deposit down payment,Checking goods after production is completed,The remaining amount paid after inspection . Then we shipped. |