产品简介 |
莱克生产的进口法兰高压电磁阀,驱动方式可选用,连接方式可选用内螺纹、外螺纹、法兰式、、焊接式,结构形式可选用先导式、直动式、零压差、手动复位,密封结构可选用活塞结构,压力范围PN5-400MPA,公称通径为0.5-600mm,材质可选用不锈钢(304、316、316L)。由于阀门的使用范围非常的广泛,同一种阀门在不同的场合与工况有不同的搭配,如果您是非专业人士,欢迎您向本公司来电咨询。本公司有专业技术人员为您服务! |
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进口法兰高压电磁阀、德国莱克LIK品牌 一、应用范围 Applications 它广泛应用在航天、船舶重工、石油化工、工业炉窑、锅炉、给排水、采暖空调、消防设备、干燥设备 食品医疗设备、清洗设备、景观灌溉、喷泉、水厂等管道系统中. It is widely used in aerospace, shipbuilding Heavy Industry, petrochemical, industrial furnaces, boilers, plumbing, heating and air conditioning, fire-fighting equipment, drying equipment,Food medical equipment, cleaning equipment, landscape irrigation, fountains, water and other piping systems 二、产品特点 Features △不锈钢活塞式,动作灵敏,寿命长达100万次;专制线圈不易烧毁;阀安装方向无限制;适用范围广 △Stainless steel piston, movement sensitive, life is 100 million times; autocratic coil easily burned; valve installed on the direction of unrestricted; for a wide range of 三、工作原理 Work △常闭型:线圈通电时,主阀芯靠介质压差力打开;线圈断电,阀关闭。 △常开型:线圈通电时,阀关闭;线圈断电,主阀芯靠介质压差力打开。 △ Normally closed type: coil power, the main valve to open by medium pressure force; coil power, valve closed △Normally open type: coil power, the valve closed; coil power,
pressure forces the main valve opens by media 可安装止回阀或订制带止回功能的阀。 When the exit pressure is greater than the inlet pressure, medium Back to pass against the wizard. Check valve can be installed or ordered withnon-return valve function 四、法兰型规格尺寸 Flange type Size
五、主要技术参数 Main technical parameters △产品型号 Product Type: △动作方式:直动式、分步直动式、先导式。 △Action by: direct-acting type, direct-action step, Pilot. △阀体材质:铸钢体、不锈钢。(铸钢体不能用在腐蚀流体上) △Body material: cast steel body, stainless steel. (Steel body can not be used in corrosive fluid on) △控制方式:常开、常闭、自保式。 △Control mode: Normally open, NC, self-protection type. △适用介质:水、气、油、蒸汽、燃气、腐蚀流体
△ Suitable medium: water, gas, oil, steam, gas, corrosive fluid -200℃~0℃;-60℃~+100℃;-20℃~+80℃;-20℃~+150℃;0℃~+200℃;0℃~+350℃. △防护性能:防水、防爆(Exd IICT5)、防腐。
△ Protection performance: waterproof, explosion-proof (Exd IICT5), anti-corrosion △接线方式:接线座式、引线式、插座式。 △Wiring: Wiring Block type , lead type , socket △附加功能:带信号反馈、带手动控制、带止回功能 △Additional features: with signal feedback, with manual control, with a return function |