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    CE、FCC、ROHS、REACH、ASTM-D3475、CFR 1700 20、防止儿童打开测试



    children resistance 防止儿童打开测试内容





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    The specific standard of the children resistance packaging test ,required for packaging products exported to the United States.
    First, the specific content of ASTM-D3475 standard.
    For some packaging products exported to the United States, preventing children from opening are required. There are very specific testing requirements in this children resistance test. The first part is ASTM-D3475, and the second part is CPSC. Depending on the customer's different requirements for the product, you can only test one content , or do the ASTM-D3475 and CPSC test together. No matter which way you chose , we can do it.

    1. The first content: ASTM-D3475 product packaging standard
    In 1970, the US Congress passed the Dangerous Goods Packaging Act, which authorized the US Consumer Product Safety Commission to set safety standards for product packaging. The packaging test is tested by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission's latest standard product packaging safety standard "ASTM-D3475-15 Standard Classification of Child Safety Packaging" .

    (1) Test time and required sample number of ASTM-D3475 children resistance packaging function test.
    Time: 3-4 weeks
    Number of sample(s): 400
    ASTM-D3475 test object:
    First: The age distribution of 200 children are required as follows:
         30%, 60 people in each group between the ages of 42-44 months;
         40%, 80 people in each group between the ages of 45-48 months;
         30%, 60 people in each group between the ages of 49-51 months.
    Child age algorithm: less than 15 days as less than one month, 15 days and above as one month.
    Note: The ratio of the number of boys to girls in each age group does not exceed 10%.
    Second: The age distribution of 200 adults is required as follows:
    30% , 60 people in each group between the ages of 50 and 54;
    40% , 80 people in each group between the ages of 55 and 59;
    30%, 60 people in each group between the ages of 60 and 70;
    Male to female ratio: 30%: 70%, of which 17-18 people between the ages of 50-54.

    ASTM-D3475 test items:
    1. Children are free to open for the first five minutes of the test, and the number of the open and unopened is counted;
    2. The adult then opens in front of children and then packs it up to give them a count of the number of children who are free to open and not open within 10 minutes.

    Second ,the content of CPSC that children resistance packaging test
          The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) requires CFR-1700-20 for packaging bags, squeeze bottles, children's anti-open safety covers, and products that prevent children from opening the package.
    If the manufacturer or a product's packager's metal container or aerosol form manufacturer or packager believes that it is not necessary to comply with 1700.20, the following requirements must be met:
    (a) SAUE requires that staff be provided at the request of the Commission to explain in writing why the product must have a metal container or aerosol.
    (b) Manufacturers and packaging companies wishing to do so voluntarily submit compliance offices to the Commission is a reason why their products must be in metal containers or as aerosols. In such cases, the staff member will respond to the manufacturer or packager and, if so, explain the adequacy of the staff member's opinion.
    (c) Reuse special packaging. Special packaging materials are subject to the provisions of this paragraph and can not be reused.
    (d)Special packaging, subject to the provisions of this paragraph, should be so restricted for the flow of special packaging liquids, that does not exceed 2 ml, the content can be obtained when inverted, the open container is (2 (4), 3, 5, 84 Stat 1670-72; 15 USC1471(4), 1472, 1474) [38 FR 21247, August 7, 1973, Amendment 60, July 21, 1995, FR 37734] 1700.20 Special inspection procedures packaged.
    (a) Test program
       (1) General requirements
    (i) Packaging requirements
    According to 1700.15(b), special packaging needs to meet the child testing requirements and applicable adult 1700.20 testing requirements. 
    (ii) Conditions of the package to be tested
    (A) Tamper-proof function. Any tamper-proof package test should be removed before testing unless it is part of the package for children-resistant design. 
    One of the following conditions are applied:
    (1) In the children test, the package was taken out of the outer package and the outer package was not given to the child.
    (2) In the adults test, if the outer packaging indicates how to open or properly unpack the product, the packaging should be given to the test object in the outer packaging. The time required to delete a package is counted from the time the outsourcing is not allowed within the time allowed for the trial, if applicable ,close the packaging again.
    (3) In the adult test, if the outer packaging does not bear any instructions related to the test, the outer packaging and the outer packaging will be removed.
     (B) Repeatable packaging - adult test. In adult testing, or resealable packaging, if assembled by the testing agency, should be properly protected for at least 72 hours. The test mechanism, the torque type closure should be fixed at the same position for the torque line on the package. The applied torque must be recorded in the test report. All package should be disposed to avoid damage or damage during storage. And the product should not be exposed to extreme conditions like Hot or cold .Package should be tested under room temperature.
    (2) Children test content
    (i) test object
    (A) Object grouping. Using 1 to 4 groups of 50 children, according to test standard, each group of children should be randomly selected for age, subject to restrictions below. 30% of the children in each group were 42-44 years old, 40% of each group were 45-48 months, and 30% of each group was 49-51 months old. The number of months for children should be calculated as follows:
    (1) Arrange the date of birth and the date of the test to indicate the month, day and year by number (for example, test date: 8/1,990/3; date of birth: 6/23/1986).
    (2) The number of months, days, and year of birth is subtracted from the number of the corresponding test date. This can result in negative months or days. E.g:
    8   03   1990
    6   23   1986
    2   -20   4
    (3) Multiply the difference by the year to obtain the number of months in 12 months in different years and subtract from the test date (ie 4×12 = 48; 48 + 2 = 50). This number can also be kept constant or adjusted or decreased by one month.
    (4) If the number of days obtained minus the date of birth is + 16 or more from the test date, the month is added to the number. If the number of days is less than 16 days, decrease by one month. If the number of days is between -15 and +15, the number of changes is included. Therefore, given the example above, the number of days is 20 days, so the number of months is 50-1 = 49 months.
    (B) Gender distribution. The difference between the number of girls in each age group between boys and boys is no more than 10% of the number of children in that range. (The committee staff will not ignore the results)
    (ii) The test failed. The test failed to open any special child to wrap or gain access to its content. In the case of unit packaging, however, the test failure shall be for any number of individual units that open or gain access to constitute a possible amount of serious personal injury or serious illness, or to open or gain access to more than 8 units of the child. No matter which number is lower than the full 10 minute test. Manufacturers or packers intending to use unit packaging materials require special packaging to submit such toxicological data to the committee office for compliance.
    (iii) Sequential testing. The sequence was initially tested using 50 children and, based on the results, the criteria were used to determine if the package was child resistant to children or further testing was required. No one should manage the test and more than 30% of the children tested each group. Acceptance (pass), continue testing and rejection (failure) criteria for the first 5 minutes, all 10 minutes of the children's exam. In the first 50-year-old group, the packaging openings were cumulative.












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